Charting a Course for Fiscal Responsibility

A Sustainable Future for Missouri

Paul's commitment to fiscal responsibility is unwavering, as he understands that the financial health of Missouri is crucial for the prosperity and well-being of its citizens. His approach to fiscal management is rooted in principles of transparency, efficiency, and sustainability, ensuring that every dollar spent serves the best interests of Missourians.

Recognizing the challenges posed by the national debt and its implications for future generations, Paul is dedicated to implementing a strategy that prioritizes fiscal prudence and responsible spending. He believes in a government that lives within its means, just like the hardworking families of Missouri.

Paul's plan for fiscal responsibility involves a thorough review of all government spending, identifying areas of waste and inefficiency. He advocates for cutting unnecessary and ineffective programs, ensuring that taxpayer money is invested in initiatives that truly benefit the people of Missouri.

A proponent of fair taxation, Paul is committed to creating a tax system that is equitable and conducive to economic growth. He understands the importance of supporting businesses, both large and small, as they are the backbone of Missouri's economy. His tax policies aim to foster an environment where businesses can thrive, creating jobs and opportunities for Missourians.

Paul's vision for fiscal responsibility also includes a balanced budget amendment, ensuring that government spending aligns with available resources. This approach not only promotes financial stability but also builds trust and confidence among the citizens and businesses of Missouri.

Under Paul's leadership, Missouri will embark on a path of fiscal responsibility that secures a stable and prosperous future. His policies will ensure that the state's finances are managed with the utmost care and foresight, laying the foundation for a thriving economy and a brighter future for all Missourians.

Join Paul in his mission to restore fiscal responsibility in Missouri. Together, we can build a legacy of financial stability and prosperity, making Missouri a beacon of economic success and a model for the nation.


Join the PBIII Freedom Squad

There is no question that the 2024 election cycle will set the future of both Missouri and America. Democrats do not threaten the greatness of Missouri. Our true enemies are elected RINOs who claim to support our Patriot public policy and sell us down the river the moment they arrive in Jefferson City. 

The only thing more powerful than campaign donations is the will of Missouri voters dedicated to reaching out to their neighbors, friends, and family on behalf of our Missouri First public policy agenda. Close statewide elections are won in Missouri by establishing campaign sign locations, phone banking, door-to-door voter engagement, and election-day poll workers.

Taking a few minutes to provide your contact information will save our campaign valuable resources and allow Paul Berry III’s campaign for Missouri Lt. Governor to contact you by the least expensive form of campaign communication: digital messaging.

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Paid for by Berry For MO, Omar O’Hara Treasurer.